Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kitchen Water Leak

Just when you think that your going to enjoy the winter and not do any major remodeling...

Sunday night after getting back from the Ocean, we discovered that we had a water leak from the Dishwasher hose, water traveled under the hardwood and above the sub-floor to the hallway and down toward the bedrooms, warping each board on it's way...after a while of being upset and beside ourselves of what to do... we contacted the insurance company the next day. They had some guys come out to do the drying process. This Monday I have the reconstruction guy coming out and we'll see what they can do (if anything can be matched, ie hardwood) and if the cabinet needs to come out. (I'm praying that it does)

I told Will that if I get a new kitchen I'm not moving...been waiting a while for a new kitchen and I'm going to keep it.
This is what the big dehumidifier looks like and it's right in the middle of the kitchen.

Clam Digging

Clam Digging was the weekend of November 14th thru the 16th. What a nice day a the beach... we could have not asked for a nicer weekend. I don't think we have even been to the ocean during the Summer and had it so nice. We took the kids to the beach on Saturday and all I had on was a sweatshirt... and I was fine. Billy has always hated the Ocean and I feel that was because of his allergies...this time he enjoyed walking along the water and even asked to try and dig for clams...I was shocked. He has always hatted the entire process.

Clam digging was in the evening, so finding them was hard... Billy was the first to catch his limit... with a little help from the rest of us... Kayla had another adjustment, this has always been her and dad's thing together, because Mom and Billy just go along for the fun...or at least mom does, Billy is just made to thing...and this time Billy wanted to dig (for the first time)... and had a blast. The rest of us helped Kayla get her limit also.

Update on Billy - Allergies

Billy and I took the day and went to Seattle on November 6th... first started out with an ultra-sound of his kidney. We were able to get some pictures of his kidney, so he could do a show and tell. Then we were on our way to Dr Fouser (kidney Dr). Due to last years urine test that had a trace of blood in it and 6 months ago he was very low on his blood work, he had to get his blood drawn again...he was not happy...but when the process was done, he was so proud of himself, because it was the first time that he didn't cry... and the nurse remembered him from last year when she didn't put the correct wrapping on. Billy had blood all the way down his arm when we got to the parking we went back up and she took care of him a second time. This year she got it right.

In talking to Fouser - Billy's kidney is the size of a 14 year olds...due to it compensating for the other one being gone. She explained to him his pictures and she did her normal check-up which is more thorough then the regular doctors some times. The updated report: Billy's blood work is great and urine is fine, we now are on a 2 year rotation instead of every year.

Once we were done with Swedish Hospital we were on our way to Children's to see his Ear Nose and Throat doctor. She put Billy on an antibiotic nasal spray...not to add another process to our morning ritual, but after the first dose his nose was cleaner. There was no green nasty things... and he was able to breath, after a couple days I watched him sleep with his mouth closed...been a long time since that has happened. Every things going good. Feels really good to be able to find and pin-point the exact root of the problem. Now it's just fine tuning it.

Kayla on the other hand is not adjusting very well to her brother feeling better and having so much energy. We are working with her on way's to work thru it instead of just getting angry and blowing up, saying he pushed her buttons...I'm trying to get her to understand that she is still responsible for her own anger no matter what someone else does. There are days that he has the rest of the family worn out... I thought I just had a calm and relaxed boy... NOT. But it is very good to see him have fun and enjoy himself.


With Halloween being on Friday, made it a lot easier on me. Next year I will try to see if we can get the class parties at opposite times. Pictures below and we couldn't forget the funny faces.

Kayla dressed up as a Cheerleader (but in her mind it was zombie)... compromised a little. Billy dressed a Darth Vader...but the mask got to hot... and he took it off at the 2nd house.

The Nerd: Keith, 70's guy: Chad, Darth Vader: Billy, Scream: Riley, Zombie Cheerleader: Kayla

The parent crew...

Lori - George - Doris

Tae Kwon Do - Belt Testing

October 25th - Kayla tested for Green, Billy and Doris tested for Orange.

When talking to the kids after belt testing regarding taking a break, Billy told me that he can't take a break, because he wants to finish and make it to the black belt. Will thinks it's cool that Billy has made such a big committment at such a young age. I talked to the instructor and from start to finish (making black belt) is a 5 year process.

Here are some pictures of Kayla sparring and when we received our new belts. I have some great support on getting some good pictures of the kids.

Testing for Green Belt - each student has to sparr as part of their test processing. Kayla is the one with the yellow pony-tail and blue chest guard.