Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kitchen Water Leak

Just when you think that your going to enjoy the winter and not do any major remodeling...

Sunday night after getting back from the Ocean, we discovered that we had a water leak from the Dishwasher hose, water traveled under the hardwood and above the sub-floor to the hallway and down toward the bedrooms, warping each board on it's way...after a while of being upset and beside ourselves of what to do... we contacted the insurance company the next day. They had some guys come out to do the drying process. This Monday I have the reconstruction guy coming out and we'll see what they can do (if anything can be matched, ie hardwood) and if the cabinet needs to come out. (I'm praying that it does)

I told Will that if I get a new kitchen I'm not moving...been waiting a while for a new kitchen and I'm going to keep it.
This is what the big dehumidifier looks like and it's right in the middle of the kitchen.

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