Sunday, December 28, 2008

William G. Staley's

Will and I got to talking and thought it would be nice to have a picture of all the William Georges together... and it would be nice to give to Grandma Staley. We'll here is a picture of what we were able to create...
Top Left corner: Grandpa Staley (Sr.) - Bottom Right Corner: Grandpa Bill (Jr.)
Top Right Corner: Will (III) - Bottom Left Corner: Billy (IV)

We printed the picture and took it down to Grandma Staley, you know we have these pictures and have looked at them before, but the neat part about it was she was able to put the story and what happened. To find a picture of all of them in their uniforms... no words can be said. But while at Grandma's... (here again, I actually remembered the camera), I got a picture of her with Kayla and Billy, two of the Great Grand kids.


As I've mentioned in the last posting... I have been very bad with pictures lately. It seems that I always remember when we are half way to our destination, or when I go to turn it on the batteries are dead... Oh, and I have the rechargeable batteries... but I got in trouble with Mr Firefighter for leaving it charged in to long... but anyways, we received snow this year on Friday, December 12th and we actually had snow for two weeks... where is stayed. Our normal snow is that it comes for one day and gone the next.

I was especially enjoying the weather... you could go outside and not get soaked and you didn't track in all the dirt or mud. My other half was not in the same mood... just the opposite. On the days that the roads were really bad the tool truck didn't even leave the yard. He went and got chains for the Tool Truck but when he went to steer, he didn't go anywhere - all the weight was in the rear end. So, instead he took out the flatbed truck and piled up the tools in the back seat and headed out.

The snow stayed for Christmas and it even snowed on Christmas Day...I don't think either one has happened for the kids. Was very nice. The next day it started to rain and there went out snow.

We have a hill that is in our development and all the neighbor hood kids are there. Do they wear out some energy... love it.

Billy Winter Concert

Billy had is Winter Concert on 12-11-08 and I remembered my camera. An item that seems to be forgotten a lot lately.

This year they had all the Kindergartners and First Graders together on one stage...and all sang the same songs. It was great and watching them all in their performance... it was also timed just right... about 25/30 minutes.

Here is Billy with Mr. Finger - have not a clue just something that he was doing for a while...

This is Skylee - she is in Kindergarten

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

School Pictures

Due to the change in the company that the school used for school pictures this year... the packets were priced a LOT different then last year, so due to the price I'm attaching a copy of the pictures for everyone to view. When we got the first packet back, both kids had mug shots... Not Happy. This is what the retakes turned out like.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kitchen Water Leak

Just when you think that your going to enjoy the winter and not do any major remodeling...

Sunday night after getting back from the Ocean, we discovered that we had a water leak from the Dishwasher hose, water traveled under the hardwood and above the sub-floor to the hallway and down toward the bedrooms, warping each board on it's way...after a while of being upset and beside ourselves of what to do... we contacted the insurance company the next day. They had some guys come out to do the drying process. This Monday I have the reconstruction guy coming out and we'll see what they can do (if anything can be matched, ie hardwood) and if the cabinet needs to come out. (I'm praying that it does)

I told Will that if I get a new kitchen I'm not moving...been waiting a while for a new kitchen and I'm going to keep it.
This is what the big dehumidifier looks like and it's right in the middle of the kitchen.

Clam Digging

Clam Digging was the weekend of November 14th thru the 16th. What a nice day a the beach... we could have not asked for a nicer weekend. I don't think we have even been to the ocean during the Summer and had it so nice. We took the kids to the beach on Saturday and all I had on was a sweatshirt... and I was fine. Billy has always hated the Ocean and I feel that was because of his allergies...this time he enjoyed walking along the water and even asked to try and dig for clams...I was shocked. He has always hatted the entire process.

Clam digging was in the evening, so finding them was hard... Billy was the first to catch his limit... with a little help from the rest of us... Kayla had another adjustment, this has always been her and dad's thing together, because Mom and Billy just go along for the fun...or at least mom does, Billy is just made to thing...and this time Billy wanted to dig (for the first time)... and had a blast. The rest of us helped Kayla get her limit also.

Update on Billy - Allergies

Billy and I took the day and went to Seattle on November 6th... first started out with an ultra-sound of his kidney. We were able to get some pictures of his kidney, so he could do a show and tell. Then we were on our way to Dr Fouser (kidney Dr). Due to last years urine test that had a trace of blood in it and 6 months ago he was very low on his blood work, he had to get his blood drawn again...he was not happy...but when the process was done, he was so proud of himself, because it was the first time that he didn't cry... and the nurse remembered him from last year when she didn't put the correct wrapping on. Billy had blood all the way down his arm when we got to the parking we went back up and she took care of him a second time. This year she got it right.

In talking to Fouser - Billy's kidney is the size of a 14 year olds...due to it compensating for the other one being gone. She explained to him his pictures and she did her normal check-up which is more thorough then the regular doctors some times. The updated report: Billy's blood work is great and urine is fine, we now are on a 2 year rotation instead of every year.

Once we were done with Swedish Hospital we were on our way to Children's to see his Ear Nose and Throat doctor. She put Billy on an antibiotic nasal spray...not to add another process to our morning ritual, but after the first dose his nose was cleaner. There was no green nasty things... and he was able to breath, after a couple days I watched him sleep with his mouth closed...been a long time since that has happened. Every things going good. Feels really good to be able to find and pin-point the exact root of the problem. Now it's just fine tuning it.

Kayla on the other hand is not adjusting very well to her brother feeling better and having so much energy. We are working with her on way's to work thru it instead of just getting angry and blowing up, saying he pushed her buttons...I'm trying to get her to understand that she is still responsible for her own anger no matter what someone else does. There are days that he has the rest of the family worn out... I thought I just had a calm and relaxed boy... NOT. But it is very good to see him have fun and enjoy himself.


With Halloween being on Friday, made it a lot easier on me. Next year I will try to see if we can get the class parties at opposite times. Pictures below and we couldn't forget the funny faces.

Kayla dressed up as a Cheerleader (but in her mind it was zombie)... compromised a little. Billy dressed a Darth Vader...but the mask got to hot... and he took it off at the 2nd house.

The Nerd: Keith, 70's guy: Chad, Darth Vader: Billy, Scream: Riley, Zombie Cheerleader: Kayla

The parent crew...

Lori - George - Doris

Tae Kwon Do - Belt Testing

October 25th - Kayla tested for Green, Billy and Doris tested for Orange.

When talking to the kids after belt testing regarding taking a break, Billy told me that he can't take a break, because he wants to finish and make it to the black belt. Will thinks it's cool that Billy has made such a big committment at such a young age. I talked to the instructor and from start to finish (making black belt) is a 5 year process.

Here are some pictures of Kayla sparring and when we received our new belts. I have some great support on getting some good pictures of the kids.

Testing for Green Belt - each student has to sparr as part of their test processing. Kayla is the one with the yellow pony-tail and blue chest guard.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Begining of October

October starts out with my birthday on the 3rd... this year I turned 34...and for some reason I can remember the number... most years it's just a day that comes and goes. Will took me out to dinner. We were originally going to the Olive Garden - been craving their salad and bread sticks. Due to the long line that went around the building, Will was not about to wait - go figure. So we adventured down to Outback Steak house. I could have not asked for better kids, they were perfect angels. That didn't last long...they used up all their patients and were complete turd's the next 2 days.

Sunday, 5th Will went on his annual Vegas trip. Kids and I did things that we don't normally do when dad is around, includes eating certain foods. We had a blast and amazingly the house stayed clean when dad was not home.

The kids and I have our belt testing at the end of the month... then were taking a couple month needs a break and we need to devote a little more time to our studies... If the kids want to continue... we'll start up at the beginning of the year. Billy needs some type of activity... and he really enjoys it.

SEPTEMBER - Come and Gone

Well the month of September has come and gone. Where it went, I don't know.

School started on September 2nd followed by a very busy weekend. 2 of the pups went to their new homes (Rex & Wishbone). Tae Kwon Do had a picnic at Mud Mt. Dam on Labor had a blast. The rest of the pups went the following 6 weeks all 6 of the pups were gone...I think Pale was relieved.

Kayla is in 3rd Grade this year and her teacher from last year looped with the class, so she has the same teacher from last year. Something new for Kayla this year is on Tuesday she has joined the IA (Individual Achievement) Class...she goes to Sunrise (her normal school) and gets bussed over to Southwood (just on Tuesday). Currently they are studding Medieval History. I'm having to save all our cereal boxes, as that is part of the castle.

Billy has made the transition into 1st Grade. He has a new teacher that is new to the school and is hopefully going to be with them all year, as he had 4 teachers last year. There are somethings that we need to work on like his hand writing, but ever teacher that I talk to says that he is such a good boy and when his allergies are on attach... he doesn't ever say a word, doesn't even complain. We had one week where the seasonal allergies really got him and he amazes me how strong he is and for what he puts up with.

My mom turned 71 on the 19th and we joined her and her friends at the eagles for cake and ice cream. That same weekend I had my Great-Niece, Kyla for the weekend...truly love her but I was absolutely exhausted when Dee (Nana) picked her up for her turn... Mom & Dad (Amber & Corey) went to the Ocean for their Anniversary. We had a blast with all the neighbor hood kids and of course - Play Doo. We also watched one of the pups that Amber took, Sophi (we called her Daisy)... she was pretty good until Sunday night when she decided to go fishing and be the bait... around 11:00pm she managed to get one of Will's fishing poles down off the table and get a three pronged fish hook stuck to the top of the inside of her lip... oh and of course she set the hook. So Will clipped the hook in couple of places and in the morning we were able to get it out. At least she was able to know which hooks were the new ones... no infection and completely fine...but I was really worried.

The following weekend we went to Fish Lake just above Leavensworth... and Kayla got sick just before we left...took her to the doctors with an ear ache... no infection just a lot of pressure on the ear drum...going over the pass didn't bother her but the hic-ups we stopped and picked up the swimmers ear (she just had 2 weeks of swimming thru school)... everything got better.

The kids weren't really into fishing to much this trip. Kayla did go out with Dad on Jack's boat. She needed some Daddy time...but Jack had the ultimate morning... he got Kayla to try fish bait. He said he's been trying to get kids to try that for year and with no success... Now he can mark that one down in his book.

To top the weekend off... I forgot my camera. Told Will we need to buy one just for the camper.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on Billy's Allergies

Been a while and a lot has been going on... I'll try and make this short...but can't guarantee. We were referred to a specialist to have Billy's adenoids taken out, because the doctor here in town would not do it due to Billy's blood condition. After talking to Mia at the Puget Sound Blood Bank and Will we decided on going to Children's Hospital...we meet with Dr Smith (ENT) and Dr Mathews (Blood Dr.).

Dr Smith had and x-ray of Billy's adenoids and determined that it's not the adenoids that's causing the problem. He has enough air way that she doesn't see that being the problem. The sinus cavities are so inflamed and not able to do there job. So...what we are doing is Nasonex along with Clariton each morning. We have been doing this for 3 weeks and we have discovered that he is not snoring at night and has slept so soundly that we have had a couple of accidents. I can work with that. His airway has improved to where he can plow his nose. The other day he told me that I wouldn't believer how much snot he got out. Will has noticed that the bags under his eyes are getting better. Just an over all better - between the removal of wheat and milk along with control over the seasonal allergies. We go back in 6 month (since the Nasonex is working) and meet with the Specialist. If it didn't work they would put him on the allergy shots (which are not cheap) and if that didn't work they would want to go in and clean his sinus cavities out. Not an option that I want to do.

He is noticing what makes him feel better and what makes him feel bad. All I have to say is a real trooper. Kayla on the other had is feeling at times all the attention that Billy is getting and she talks to us in a good voice and keeps us informed when she feels that Billy is getting to much attention. Both Will and I are trying to keep her in mind and do/spend the extra time with her or on her requests (if they are in reason). That balance thing...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Puppy Pictures


If this is not a cute picture, I don't know what is... Wishbones nose is getting darker and it's hard to tell them apart.
So far he is my favorite and I think he'll be the biggest.

Starting on the left side: Tink, Fido and then Daisy...

I can't tell the difference between the black pup's but one is Rex and the other is Hank and the yellow one I think is Fido...

First Trip with new Camp Trailer

We took our camper out on our first trip... Left on Friday 8/15/08 and came home on Sunday. Friends of ours have a cabin in Sunland, on the Columbia River (by Gorge) there was a total of 4 couples that were there including us. The camper towed really nice and we were able to test the truck out on the way home when it was 102 degrees, and the truck had no problems.

The weather was a little hot for our family that weekend, probably do the trip again but not in the middle of August. Kids had a blast with the community pool...Billy is really becoming a fish and Kayla is getting really good on her back stroke. Kayla swam the length of the pool and did an awesome job. We are all excited to take our next trip...trying to plan something the 2nd weekend of September. Our new Home away from Home...

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'll admit that I've been really bad and not keeping this blog up to date, but their has been so many things going on. Like having puppies. We have 6 puppies and Pale is doing a great job on taking care of them except for when we are outside.

The puppies were born July 22nd. We have 4 yellow (2 male/2 female) and 2 black both males. Kayla is doing an excellent job at taking care of them and if anything needs to be done for the puppies for for Pale (to take care of the puppies) she is all over it. The Mother Hen I keep calling her.
Here Kayls is feeding Runt...the first puppy that was born, but we lost him on Friday morning.

The three amigos, taken on August 8th.

This one is Wishbone...Billy named him. His nose is spotted. He's my favorite.

New Travel Trailer

With the kids getting bigger we were in the need of a bigger camper...and some other issues with the last one we had. So we went looking. We purchased a Komfort Trailblazer...the kids have their own double bunks in the back (for each to bring a guess). Mom and Dad have their own space in the front and all the other amenities like a kitchen and table...oh, it also has a couch...with a hideabed in it. Our first trip is next weekend to Sunland where some friends own a cabin. Can't wait to go.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fish Tank background

We added a new fish tank about month ago...and placed it on the bricks in-front of the fireplace, since we don't use it anymore and best placed to hold a 100 gallon tank. Will thought of an idea of getting a piece of board and letting the kids paint it. Kayla didn't want to be around when we first know that starting of teenager life...friends are better to be with. But anyways, Billy wanted a pirate ship and when looking on line of how to draw one we also came up with Nemo and other items...this is what it turned out to be.

Weekly Review 5/26/08

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what has happened this week and not much...I'm drawing a blank. We scheduled the kids their trip to Grandma Becky's house and the next day Kayla came down sick...Must be something about talking of a trip to Grandma's and the kids come down sick.

Started on the other bathroom (Wills) and wondering how many more bathrooms are we going to remodel before our time is up. This is getting old. But the bathroom will be nice and when i clean them, they will look clean...something about that 70's look, no matter how much you clean, it never had that clean feel to me.

Oh, there was something this week, Kayla spared for the 2nd time (just in class) and when the instructor announced who will be going next (and it was Kayla and another boy), the little boy's head dropped. When they got up the instructor told the little boy that he was strong and she was quick, don't let her push you around. I'm thinking that she is holding all that pent-up energy from Billy and releasing it on these boy's in her class. She is really not afraid of going up against anyone yet. She did however get hit back this time and blocked really well. The only bad thing that happened was her pads are new and rubbed a blister on the top of her foot. Dad took her to see one of the students in rookie school (at the Fire Dept), who teaches Tae Kwon Do and gave her some words to go by. I think it helped. Also so far Dad had made both Wednesday nights when she spared. She needs Dad. They talk and she is able to calm down and listen...he has that special touch.
I joined and had my first full week last week, and let me tell body is sore.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Billys Bike Crash

This happened May 4th 2008. Billy decided to go down the hill on his bike...and found out why mom and dad should be with him. He's healing up just find.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Belt Testing

Both Kayla and Billy had belt testing on April 26, 2008. Well, both past. Kayla is now an orange belt and Billy is now a yellow. We are very proud of both of them!!!! Here are some pictures to share...

Billy's Allergies

We had allergy test done on Billy. He's had 4 sinus infections since November. Turns out his allergies are high for Timothy and Johnson Grass. We have him taking Allegra to see if that helps with seasonal allergies. He was low for all the other items: Candida (I think this is sugar and yeast overgrowth), Mucor (a sugar fungus because it attacks the carbohydrates, so mold/house dung and soils), Alder, Oak, Dock/Sorrel and oh did I mention Milk, Wheat and Soy. So we are doing research and starting to change how we eat...